Epiphany Insights
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What to do when Employees are Detached and Don’t Care … Lean on Strengths!
I recently facilitated a brief talk about employee engagement. This particular company was trying to figure out how to get employees more involved in the company events while building internal relationships. In my experience as a professional development coach, I can say that the less engaged employees are at work, the more they don’t care […]
Read MoreHow the Epiphany Can Illuminate our Paths and Guide us Towards our Goals
The Feast of the Epiphany: Recognizing God’s Light in Our Lives As the season of Christmas draws to a close, we celebrate one of the most profound moments in the Christian calendar – the Feast of the Epiphany. This day is a reminder that all of us have those “aha” moments where the light bulb […]
Read MoreHow to Give Positive Feedback
In coaching sessions, managers often discuss the struggle of providing employeefeedback but giving constructive criticism is crucial for employee growth anddevelopment. The commentary to correct mistakes is for the company’s greater good and theemployee’s benefit. What you say and how you say it is imperative to reachingyour ultimate goals of improving the company culture and […]
Read MoreHow You Communicate Defines How You Lead
What you say and how you say it is part of your brand identity and leadershipstyle. As a Strengths ® Coach, I work with clients on leading with their strengths;it is the basis of developing their leadership style. However, how we communicate plays a significant role in how we lead andwhether people follow us. Our […]
Read More7 Valuable Insights Leaders Gain from a Communications Audit
By Vanessa Denha Garmo From water cooler conversations to team talks, the conversations employeesengage in contribute to creating the company and store culture.Employees learn how to communicate in the workplace, from bullies in thebackroom and boardroom to supervisors on the floor and leading teams. It oftenstarts at the top. The business owner, manager – and […]
Read MoreWhy We Tell Stories
We all have stories to tell, but do you ever ask: Why do we tell them? There are many reasons. Stories connect us. They help drive a point home and can better explain an important lesson. In the Christian faith, personal testimonials are powerful ways to evangelize Christ. Sometimes, stories are painful to tell, like the […]
Read MoreFocus Groups Provide Keys to Unlock Insights
As a Coach, I often facilitate programs, workshops, and Focus Groups. I particularly love Focus Groups to gain insights. As a Strengths® Coach with the talent of input in the top 10, I love data andinformation. I need to collect and archive. I like to accumulate information,ideas, and artifacts. Hosting a focus group offers several […]
Read More7 Reasons Why a Leader Should Commission a Communications Audit
From water cooler conversations to team talks, the conversations employees engage in contribute to creating the company culture. From bullies in the boardroom to supervisors on staff, employees learn how to communicate in the workplace. It all starts at the top. The leader sets the tone and contributes to the culture’s communication style. While working […]
Read More7 Ways to Effectively Multipurpose Existing Content
Repurposing content is a smart strategy to maximize your efforts and reach a broader audience. This is part of our communication strategy with our clients. Your content used on various platforms also helps define your leadership style. How you communicate further unleashes the leader in you. Here are 7 ways you can effectively multipurpose your existing content. […]
Read MoreHelp team members see coaching as a privilege not a punishment.
I have been working with a client on and off for a couple of years who desired to take deep dives into challenges she was having at work but at the same time, she stopped short of overcoming big obstacles which prevented her from reaching the next level in her growth. As much as her […]
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