Advertising the Message

Your advertisements should tell your story.

Ads can be created for traditional platforms such as radio, TV, print publications, billboards and they can also be created for social media and other internet marketing platforms.

You can also create marketing materials that tell your story or at least tease it.

The success of those ads will depend on your content.

What messages are you delivering to your potential customers and clients?

Sounding the Message

Radio is still a powerful way to deliver a message. Personalizing the ad with the voice of the client instead of a professional can be very effective. Tailoring to the specific radio audience is essential. Running Right Heating and Cooling did just that in this radio ad that airs on Ave Maria Catholic Radio.

The Power of the Pen 

We recently purchased pens to hand out to potential customers that not only had our website

on them but we posed a question: What’s your story?

We wanted to not only get people thinking about their own story but further inquire about what we do at Denha Media Group.

Print It 

Despite what some people may believe, print media is not dead especially when it comes to ethnic markets and   targeted audiences.

Depending on the size, print ads can include content and images that market your service or product.

Billboards and Buttons

Whether  it is a drive-by message or a pass-out piece or give-a-way, there are various ways to market yourself and this includes campaigns, communities and people.

You can pose one question or make one sound statement that prompts people to react or take action. Who doesn’t know the “Got Milk?” question? You can play off of notable campaigns for your own projects. Years ago, a client did just that when he purchased three billboards in northern Michigan where drivers would see on their way to the annual Mackinac Policy Conference hosted by the Detroit Regional Chamber. member of the media even took photos and tweeted about it. One billboard said “Got Vision?” The second billboard said “Got Leadership?” and the third said “Got Regional Cooperation?”

Working with DMG, our client – the City of Westland and Mayor Wild – created the message “Cities Matter” as part of an on-going campaign. The message was placed on buttons and billboards and shared once again with the Mackinac Policy Conference attendees.

Telling your story should be part of your advertising and marketing campaign. people want to know who you are and what you do.

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